Asset Managers Ltd.
About us

Managing Environmental Impact

Asset managers is an environmentally aware company and is always looking at helping to minimize the waste that is generated and better methods to dispose of this waste.

Some of the waste that we handle is toxic and this is all ways disposed of correctly and safely.


Painting generates waste during the clean-up which is why we use the Dulux Envirowash system we never wash the paint residue down the drains but collect and dispose of this toxic substance in a safe and correct manner.

Paint that remains unused is either left on site for the owners to use as touch up or returned to the manufacturer to be disposed of or recycled.

How does the Dulux EnviroWash System work?

The units are made up of two parts – the sink and a separate filtration tank. The units work by separating paint washings into clear water and solid paint. The spray gun is used to wash rollers, brushes, paint trays, pots and anything else that has been used in the painting process. Once the unit is full, treatment chemicals are used to separate the solid matter and water from the paint washings. After 1-6 hours*, clear water remains in the top of the tank and paint sludge is left at the bottom. Clearwater can be recycled into other trade-related applications, or released onto flat grassy areas and gardens. Remaining paint sludge is filtered, ready for removal and drying. Once residue is dry, it is ready to be disposed of as non-hazardous solid waste.

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Waste Handling

Asset Managers use Green Gorilla for all waste handling . Green Gorilla Construction and Demolition Waste Processing Facility diverts approx 75-80% of construction, building and demolition waste from Auckland landfills.

Waste disposal is all ways a concern and by using Green Gorilla we are saving the impact and our footprint on the environment as much as possible.